Last night was “one of those nights”. No, not the night some of my peers may be enjoying. I am not looking this disheveled and feeling this tired from a night out with friends. Rather, I sport this look after a night in with my boys.
JP appears to have some sort of constant tummy ache from something I’m eating…so I am attempting to go dairy free. In the mean time, it is round the clock burping, bopping, bouncing, and back rubbing. Any in between, such as right now, my body is on call for a growth spurt cluster feeding marathon.
K has been waking, lately, in a terror from what I’m guessing are nightmares. His vocabulary is still a bit limited, so all I can gather is that mommy AND daddy snuggled right up next to his cheek is the only way to fend of the monsters.
But M, how do you manage both in the wee hours of the night, you ask…good question! If you figure it out, let me know.
But as our day begins before the sun’s and I’m tempted to snap (who am I kidding, I actually do), I am reminded that I somehow have been entrusted with the vocation of loving these little beings.
How did I get so blessed that these little boys, soon to be young men, see me as the one who can always provide comforts, safety, and stability. They believe that I will always respond to their crying when they’re in need; that I will be there.
So here I am, hot mess and all, just being their mommy, as best I can.
Thank God for the gift of coffee, a snippet of God’s grace and love for mommies everywhere.
my gorgeously made up face and well groomed hair used to show you the scale of the mug of coffee required today