How Do You Want To Be Remembered: Man In Pursuit Of More

How do you want to be remembered?

What type of legacy do you want to leave behind?

Are you the kind of man you dreamed of being as kid?

Within every man is the desire to be great and to be remembered, but many of us don’t know where to start. I hope that this blog will help.

Instead of giving men 10 steps to health, wealth and happiness, I challenge men to be great by urging them to live lives of authenticity and virtue.

None of us want to be the dad who spent more time staring at a screen than raising his children, or a coward who abandoned ship when life got difficult. No man wants to be remembered as an unfaithful husband, or the man who spent his life addicted to pornography.

We all desire to be known and remembered for doing great things and being great men, but for so many of us, our daily lives don’t reflect those aspirations. Despite our having good intentions and noble goals, we feel unable to pursue them. Work, marriage, family, and the rest of life become busy and chaotic to the point that we feel obligated to settle for “fine” or “good enough.”

We were made for more than that. That desire for greatness was put in our hearts by God. We were made to be great, and we can be great regardless of what stage of life or vocation we’re in. That’s because our greatness doesn’t hinge on our outward achievements but our inner mastery of ourselves. Our greatness comes from the virtue we possess. We can begin to strive for greatness by pursuing virtue!

Virtue comes from two specific things:

First, a desire to grow and work at building internal mastery through internal discipline and building good habits.

Second, a personal relationship with God, who is the source of all good things.

That is why I created Man After God.

The Name

In 1 Samuel Chapter 11 we read that God’s people are at war. In the midst of the conflict a man named Saul emerges and leads God’s people to victory, and because of this they crown him King.

As we continue through the first book of Samuel it becomes obvious that Saul, though a mighty leader, lacks what is necessary to be a good King. The Prophet Samuel confronts Saul and declares that God was looking for a “Man After His Heart” (1 Sam 13-15).

Saul had fallen short, so God raised up another man to replace him: David. What was lacking in Saul, God found in David. Just as the Lord sought a man after His own heart when Saul fell short, God is seeking men after His own heart today.

In Pursuit

The name also expresses my desire for you readers. As Peter Kreeft tells us “Christianity is not a system of man's search for God but a story of God's search for man.” God is pursuing us. My hope is, by engaging the content, readers will begin to see how important a relationship with God is and that you will begin pursuing God as well.

We all want to be better men, and the truth is that we need God if we are to become those better men.

Just as we shouldn’t turn our backs to our prayer lives nor Sunday obligations. Further, we can’t settle for considering our volunteering for church events as a sign of a legitimate relationship with the Divine. Virtue reveals the health and vitality of our soul and, therefore, we need to draw close to God in order to be spiritually healthy.

Pursuing greatness and pursuing virtue requires that we pursue God!

Encounter and Change

The final meaning of the name emphasizes that an encounter with God changes a man.

Once we encounter God, our lives will become different. Our daily goals and aspirations become more focused on God’s calling for us. The desire for great virtue will lead us to God. Once we encounter God, He will set our desires on fire.

A man after God has purpose, passion, and a source of strength that is not his own. He is aided by grace in his pursuit of virtue. All of the articles and additional resources are aimed to help facilitate an encounter that will transform readers minds and hearts.

God wants to raise up men after His heart.

How will you respond?


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